Call for Papers - Journal of Innate Immunity


Journal of Innate Immunity - Manuscript Submission Deadline: Closed

The impact of immunometabolites in the pathogenesis of infection is increasingly appreciated. In this focused issue of the Journal of Innate Immunity we are showcasing articles that illustrate the varied roles of immunometabolites in viral and bacterial infection. We hope to include both primary research and reviews that detail how both host and pathogen metabolites affect immune responses. Studies on the immunometabolic responses to viral infections, especially SARS CoV2 and influenza, are encouraged. Bacterial infection due to intracellular pathogens such as M. tuberculosis and Salmonellae as well as predominantly extracellular pathogens including S. aureus and S. pneumoniae will be included.

Please select the option “Call for Papers: Immunometabolism” when submitting your manuscript and mention this Call for Papers in your cover letter.

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