Journal: Lifestyle Genomics - Submission Deadline: Closed

Cardiometabolic diseases describes a group of morbid manifestations that includes cardiovascular conditions, inflammation, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance and fatty liver dysfunction. Lifestyle interventions are commonly the first approach to prevent and treat cardiometabolic diseases. However, it is well recognized that the responses to interventions that aim to manage cardiometabolic diseases are highly variable, with some individuals exhibiting the desired outcome and some individuals showing no response or even adverse manifestations. Understanding the basis for personalized responses is essential to develop comprehensive and dynamic nutritional and lifestyle recommendations relevant to both individuals and for population health.

Precision nutrition is an emerging field that aims to characterize and integrate the genetic, epigenetic, and metagenomic factors that contribute to inter-individual variability in response to diet and lifestyle interventions. Moreover, this field also encompasses a broad perspective that considers dietary patterns, circadian rhythms, health status markers, physical activity assessment, as well as socioeconomic and psychosocial features, that can be considered as dynamic and integrative endpoints. While the application of precision nutrition and lifestyle for the management of cardiometabolic comorbidities remains in early stages, the results to date give cause for optimism and quick promising implementation. However, much research remains if we are to translate findings from basic investigative studies to clinical practice.

The overarching goal of this collection of articles is to highlight recent advances in the application of precision nutrition and lifestyle for the management of cardiometabolic diseases, including where ‘omic technologies and bioinformatic tools play relevant roles. This collection will consider new mechanistic insights as well as clinical applications related to precision nutrition and lifestyle. Additionally, articles that address the barriers and challenges facing the field, or outline the opportunities for knowledge translation, are equally appropriate.

In this Special Call, we welcome original research, review articles, systematic reviews, and perspectives in the fields of precision nutrition, lifestyle, and cardiometabolic diseases including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease and obesity.  

If you have any questions about this Special Call or would like to confirm the suitability of your manuscript, please email David M Mutch (Editor-in-Chief of Lifestyle Genomics).


Please select the option “Call for Papers: Precision Nutrition and Lifestyles for Managing Cardiometabolic Diseases” when submitting your manuscript and mention this Call for Papers in your cover letter.

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