Journal: Medical Cannabis and Cannabinoids

Submission Deadline: September 30, 2025

While THC and CBD are well-known, the cannabis plant contains over 180 cannabinoids and numerous terpenes, most of which remain understudied. Recent research suggests that compounds such as CBG, CBC, CBN, and THCV, along with various terpenes, exhibit distinct therapeutic properties, yet comprehensive reviews and studies on these compounds are critically lacking. This article collection seeks to address key gaps in our understanding of lesser-known cannabinoids and terpenes, their medical benefits and risks, and their potential roles in therapeutic applications. 

We are particularly interested in submissions that:

  • Investigate the therapeutic potential of CBG, CBC, CBN, THCV, and other minor cannabinoids. 
  • Explore the medical benefits and risks of these compounds.
  • Provide an overview of minor cannabinoids and terpenes: Their chemistry and pharmacology.
  • Examine synergistic effects of cannabinoids and terpenes (the "entourage effect").
  • Discuss regulatory and safety considerations for the use of these compounds.
  • Propose future research directions and therapeutic applications.

We welcome original research, reviews, case reports, and perspectives.

Please select the option “Call for Papers: Minor Cannabinoids and Terpenes in Medical Cannabis: Unlocking the Potential” when submitting your manuscript and mention this Call for Papers in your cover letter.

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