Journal: Cells Tissues Organs

Submission Deadline: Closed

Cells Tissues Organs, founded in 1945, represents Karger’s focus on developmental biology, stem cell research, tissue engineering, in vitro systems, and regenerative biology. The journal is dedicated to publishing leading research and is pleased to support researchers in these fields.

In line with our established commitment to support the next generation of scientists, we are pleased to announce an article collection dedicated to Early Career Researchers (ECRs). The collection aims to highlight and promote leading research of emerging scholars in our field.

We invite original research and review articles that contribute significantly to the journal’s scope and authors may submit via one of three of the journal’s sections (Development Biology, Stem Cells, or Tissue Engineering).

The call is open exclusively to ECRs who meet the following criteria:

  • Must be the first author or last (senior) author of the submitted manuscript and act as corresponding author.
  • Be independent researchers overseeing a funding project or running their own laboratory.
  • If in a tenure track system or not, they should be within 5 years of becoming independent.

ECRs must submit a cover letter that details their eligibility. Submissions will be screened by the editors for scope and eligibility.

Please select the option “Call for Papers: Early Career Researchers in Developmental Biology, Stem Cell Research, and Tissue Engineering” when submitting your manuscript and mention this Call for Papers in your cover letter.

Cells Tissues Organs supports Open Access publications. Corresponding authors can publish Open Access articles at no or reduced cost if they are associated with or employed by one of these universities/institutions.

Check out the Author Guidelines.