Journal: Digestive Surgery
Submission Deadline: Closed
The number of patients affected by esophagogastric cancers has been increasing, raising challenges in treatment choice for this patient group. Advances in neoadjuvant treatment modalities and improvement of operative treatment modalities have improved outcomes in the last decades. Moreover, improved postoperative management has resulted in a decrease in the postoperative complication rate and better long-term outcomes after extensive surgery. To address this topic, Digestive Surgery is creating a new article collection on esophagogastric cancers to capture the latest on the diagnosis, neoadjuvant treatment, and operative approach to these malignancies. Authors are welcome to contribute Research, Review, and Systematic Review articles. The editors look forward to receiving the authors’ articles for the improvement of the management of patients.
Please select the option “Call for Papers: Esophagogastric Cancers” when submitting your manuscript and mention this Call for Papers in your cover letter.
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