Journal: Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy

Extended Submission Deadline: September 30, 2024

Solid organ transplantation is a fast-evolving field in medicine with a strong interdisciplinary character. HLA diagnostics and histocompatibility are important cornerstones for successful organ transplantation and are thus anchored in guidelines by the German Medical Association (Bundesärztekammer) and Eurotransplant. Ever since the first introduction of histocompatibility testing in organ transplantation in the late 1960s, HLA diagnostics have evolved substantially. Nowadays, there is a broad and more sophisticated portfolio of analyses (e.g. HLA epitope analysis) available, which allow a more differentiated risk assessment prior to and following transplantation. We are calling for review and original papers on the importance of HLA in the field of transplantation for an article collection in Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy entitled “Importance of HLA for Transplantation”.  

Potential authors are invited to submit manuscripts on this topic that will be rapidly peer-reviewed.

Please select the option “Call for Papers: Importance of HLA for Transplantation” when submitting your manuscript and mention this Call for Papers in your cover letter.

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